
The Laser Optical Rotational Red Cell Analyzer (Lorrca)

RR Mechatronics is the developer and manufacturer of the Laser-Optical Rotational Red Cell Analyzer (Lorrca), used for assessment of RBC functionality. The Lorrca has been developed in close collaboration with our science and technology partners. Scientists in over 20 countries use the Lorrca to contribute to research, often in research environments. Evaluation of the rheology of blood in different parts of the body is a very specific task, therefore it is important to have a technique available that can accurately measure the Red Blood Cell (RBC) properties. The unique Research Use Only instrument incorporates a variety of techniques to perform these specific measurements. The technique accurately detects RBC deformability as a function of shear stress, osmolality and oxygen pressure, which should be standard in the hematologic laboratory. Therefore, the Lorrca is not only vital in research, but also supportive in the clinical diagnostic fields.

The Lorrca instrument is appearing in hundreds of publications. The scope of the Lorrca’s capabilities is still growing. Besides the use in research, the clinical diagnostic fields become of great importance for the future.

Measurement RBC deformability is expressed as the Elongation Index (El) measured in quality controlled medium of known viscosity. A thin layer of RBC’s is sheared between two concentric cylinders and a certain, but exactly known, shear stress is applied to the cells (by rotation of the outer cylinder; the cup). The RBC’s will change, in an iso-osmotic environment, from oval biconcave disks to an elongated shape. The diffraction pattern produced by a laser beam can be measured. Deformability expressed as El can be measured as a function of Shear stress (Deformability test), Osmolality (Osmoscan test) or Oxygen pressure (Oxygenscan test).

Lorrca_Quick application Guide